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A member registered Jun 06, 2020

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yeah insulting the player in whats typically supposed to be the "good ending" doesnt feel good :( i had already assumed you made the mc look the way he looks for a reason but reading you directly use his appearance as an insult was just so rude imo. yeah, i do actually look a little like this guy. theres nothing intrinsically wrong with being fat and playing video games. im assuming you thought it was funny, but to a certain audience it really just feels more like getting slapped in the face. did you not want people to play this game? why would you tell us it was a waste of time to do so?

also, telling me i havent seen the videos when the only reason i downloaded this game was because i watched your video about it? odd choice.

yes it does, actually! both if you continue and if you create a new game (rip my save data. I was stuck on lv8 anyway like most everyone else). it stays for the intro cutscene but once you're properly loaded into the level it's gone.

After opening the game for the first time, i clicked on the cloud with the heart on it to figure out what it did. it closes the menu, neat! so i clicked it again, but then my cursor decided to make a square over it where all the colors are inverted. if i close the menu again it goes away, then comes back when i open it back up. the weirdest part is that it did not show up when i tried to take a screenshot of it! i can only fix it by closing and reopening the game, since i have to close the main menu to get rid of it and if the menus closed i cant start the game lol